Marco Romei

Marco Romei is the playwright of the Teatro delle Nuvole (Theatre of the Clouds – editor’s translation), a project for which he holds practical workshops in drama writing.
He won the Premio Fondi award for his comedy “Poesie Prosaiche” (Prosaic Comedies – editor’s translation), performed in England at  Essex University’s Lakeside Theatre in February 2015. 
He presented his monologue “Maria” at the national festival Teatro in Provincia, for which he won an award from the audience in Palermo and Corato, Bari (2014-2015).
His work “Paesaggi perduti” (Lost Landscapes – editor’s translation) was performed  at the Teatro Stabile in Genova in April 2015, with a production by the Teatro delle Nuvole.
He extensively writes for the radio (Rai di Genova ) and collaborates through essays and seminars with several universities (Genova, Pisa, Salerno). 
He is a member of CENDIC, Centro nazionale drammaturgia italiana contemporanea (National Centre for Italian Contemporary Theatre).


The labyrinth in literature – the dream –